ITSM Glossary of Terms

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Posts about Self-Service Portal:

Self-service portal

Sep 24, 2022 4:17:05 AM

What is a Self-Service Portal? 

A self-service portal is an online system where software or website users can find answers and resources to address questions they might have. A self-service portal essentially cuts out the need for a live tech to respond to every question and gives users the chance to find the information they’re looking for on their own. 

Of course, self-service can’t cover everything. If a user experiences a major service outage or unique issue, they likely won’t be able to solve it on their own and would need to submit a ticket and contact a tech. But for many frequently asked questions and common issues, a self-service portal is incredibly useful. 

The concept of “self-service” became popular in the early 1900s, when Clarence Saunders founded Piggly Wiggly, the first ever “self-service store.” At the store, shoppers would pick up their baskets and walk around selecting their groceries, rather than rely on a clerk to deliver that service. The concept of giving consumers independence has only blossomed from there, with ATMs, self-checkout, and website self-service portals becoming ubiquitous over the last decades.