7 min read

What is a Ticketing System And Why is a Ticketing System Important?

December 2, 2022

The average ticket volume has risen by 16% in the last few years, especially as more people have started working from home. 

With the influx of more help desk tickets, both internal and external, more organizations have been turning toward ticketing system software to help smoothly manage ticketing processes. 

But what is ticketing system software, how does it work, and what are its benefits that are attracting customer service providers and other teams? 

Read the blog to learn everything you need to know about ticketing system software and how it has the potential to change your ticketing processes forever! 

Ticketing Systems Explained 

A ticketing system is a software tool that helps organizations manage customer service and internal employee requests. The software enables customer service providers, HR departments, IT techs, and other teams  to create, route, manage, track, and resolve tickets quickly and efficiently through sophisticated automation 

Ticketing systems manage customer requests, internal support, and IT requests. In other words, a ticketing system is an organized way of dealing with your customers' questions, problems or issues - whether they're about billing matters, software installation, or technical support. You might also hear them called "support request" or "issue" tracking systems. 

These systems ensure that no tickets fall through the cracks by sending out notifications as tickets are created, updated, and closed and routing tickets automatically to the proper team member. They also allow users who need help with the product or website to submit requests through an online form and receive updates on their ticket status.  

How Does a Ticketing System Work? 

When a user submits a ticket, this can be done through live chat or web form. That submission is automatically turned into a ticket, auto-filled with all relevant information, and routed to the right person to start the ticket resolution process. 

IT departments often use ticketing systems to track support tickets and manage support resource allocation. They allow for easy organization and prioritization of tickets through features like automatic approval chains, knowledge bases, ticket tracking, and more. 

A ticketing system can be designed to help you ensure that the right person receives the correct information at the right time, guaranteeing that customer requests are handled efficiently by allocating various responsibilities to different people in your organization. 

The ticketing system also allows you to monitor a ticket’s status as it moves through your company's workflow process, so you know where it stands at any given time. If a customer has not received a reply within an expected timeframe (or if someone else has contacted them), you can use this information to address any issues immediately and make changes as necessary. 

What are the Benefits of Ticketing System Software? 

Ticketing systems provide companies with several key benefits: 

1. Enhanced Internal Communication 

Many businesses use ticketing systems as an internal communication tool to track the status of projects across multiple teams. The system can assign tickets to specific techs and provide them with updates on a ticket's progress.  

Ticketing systems can also have automated approval chain features so that the right people are notified when they need to approve a ticket. This minimizes bottlenecks and decreases the need for manual reminders. 

2. Streamlined Support Functions 

Companies often use ticketing solutions to streamline their support functions and reduce costs. 

A well-designed ticketing system can also help you improve customer experience and internal communication since it gives you an easy way to track and manage support requests. You can assign tasks quickly based on expertise or availability and escalate tickets when necessary. Good software will also let you customize workflows to fit your organization's needs. 

With these powerful features at play, ticket systems can significantly decrease ticket resolution time and free up hours each week for techs. According to Gartner, IT service desks that use automation and machine learning technology will free up to 30% of support capacity! 

3. Increase Organization & Prioritization 

A ticketing system allows you to organize incoming customer requests better, prioritize your tasks, and manage your team's workflow. The software lets you: 

  • Organize customer requests by priority. You can set up different categories based on the urgency of a request. This allows you to respond quickly to urgent tickets first, then work your way down through less critical tickets. 
  • Organize customer requests by the date of submission. If a client makes several requests at once, it's helpful to see them all at once and prioritize them based on when they were submitted rather than having to remember each one individually.

4. Boosted Satisfaction for Employees and Customers 

Employee satisfaction skyrockets when employees can do their jobs efficiently and don’t have to spend hours on tedious tasks that could easily be automated. 

Similarly, when customers feel informed every step of the way and see that their ticket is addressed quickly, they are more likely to stay with an organization that they think is invested in their satisfaction. 

From end-to-end, ticketing system software makes the day-to-day operations surrounding ticketing processes more straightforward and more manageable. 


Ticketing systems are not just for customer service departments anymore. They can help your entire team track and prioritize tasks, communicate easily, and increase customer and employee satisfaction. With the right ticketing solution, you can manage your company's support functions with one tool that makes it easy for all users to understand their responsibilities and progress. 

Looking for ticket system software with all the powerful automation features you could want? Sign up to try DeskDirector! 

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