2 min read

Personalize The DeskDirector Menu | Easy Peasy Lemon Squeezy

July 29, 2015

Many of our partners have customized or personalized DeskDirector to convey their company image. We love this and it's a big part of why we exist.

In this One Minute Wednesday we show you how you can change the name of the menu items in DeskDirector to better match how your clients use it and use the language you prefer.

We explain how to do this in the video. You can also follow this KB article on how to do this and even enable multiple languages.


Video transcript:

Hi, and welcome to another one-minute Wednesday.  Now our partners love finding ways to be able to personalize DeskDirector when they give it clients and rightly so. There’s something we added recently that you may have missed that allows you to change the name of all of the menu items in the interface. Let’s check it out.

To change the name of the menu items, go to the Admin console, Configuration, Interface settings. Click on English, and then you’ll see all the menu items you can easily change. Let’s change Request Support—maybe Learning—and change Recommendations over to quotes. Scroll on down the screen, hit Save, and you are ready to go. The client pulls in this menu configuration regularly. So soon after you’ve made the change, just like magic it will be updated. If you they are using the web version, the new menu is just a screen refresh away.

Now, as long as your clients are using DeskDirector 14.2 or higher or DeskDirector Web, you can make this change straightaway. Head over to the knowledge base, kb.deskdirector.com to learn how. Have a fantastic week, and we’ll see you next time. Bye for now. 

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Topics: Technical
Phill Claxton

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