2 min read

Older version of DeskDirector will be no longer supported

Published on: | Updated on:

V2 versus V1

Here at DeskDirector we want to make sure that our clients can use all the latest features and changes we have to offer. Due to this, we need to say goodbye to the old and welcome in the new. 

This means that we will stop support for some of our products. If you are a recent client, most of these points may not apply to you, if they don't, feel free to ignore this message. 

Here is the breakdown of what you need to do and when you need to do this by:

December 31st 2017 

If your clients are running our old WPF client, we will stop supporting this version of the client console in December, this is the version that you download from the portal.deskdirector.com site. We ask all users on this version to update to the latest client console, DDPortal, which is available from the DDPortal Installer page in your admin console. 

How do I know if I am running the WPF client? 

If your client version looks something like 15.16.1 or 15.XX.X, then you are likely runnign the old version. DDPortal is numbered 1.50.2 or 1.XX.X.

How do I install DDPortal? Please have a read at these articles: 

ConnectWise Only - RESTful API to replace SOAP API

We will require all our clients to have their RESTful API enabled and running, as we want all instances to run on Connectwise's latest APIs. 

How do I enable the RESTful API? Please follow this guid

March 31st 2018 - No more support for DD Portal V1

DD Portal has currently two different UIs, V1 and V2. V1 resembles the old portal and a lot of our clients are still on this version, however, all the latest features (DD Learn, DD Forms, BiggerBrains) are only available in V2. By March 31st, we will require all users to be using DD Portal V2. 

If you have any questions regarding these dates and how they might affect your instance, please don't hesitate to contact us at support@deskdirector.com 

Catalina Ramirez

Written by Catalina Ramirez

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