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Changes to contact permissions | DeskDirector Blog

November 18, 2016

With our 16.38 server release we're excited to announce our completely revamped contact permission system. The goal is to reduce the number of overall configurations you have to worry about. 

We're currently in the process of rolling out the release, so this change may not be available for everyone just yet.

What does this mean for you as a user?

  • Instant contact permissions: For our ConnectWise users you'll no longer have to use groups - this means no more sync times. Contact permissions are now applied instantly from within DeskDirector.
  • Less time spent setting up users: Permissions can now be applied at the global, company, and contact levels.

We've migrated all your contact permissions from our old system so no need to worry!


If you run into any issues give our support team a message at support@deskdirector.com , we'll be more than happy to lend a hand!

Topics: Technical

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