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Why You Need Top-Notch Security for Your Client Portal Software

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Changes in the way workers use technology have led to email as a primary form of communication falling out of style. Today’s businesses want platforms that allow them to have a single location where they can collaborate on projects, store large amounts of information, communicate with clients and manage tickets: like a client portal software 

When setting up an MSP client portal, it’s imperative to prioritize security. Your clients want to know that all of their data will be safe on the cloud, and that access to that information can be properly restricted.  

This is especially important in an age in which working remotely has become the norm. Having a single cloud-based portal solution that allows users to log in from anywhere with an internet connection is an appealing concept for a wide range of businesses. With many more access points, reliable security for that portal is critical so you don’t have to rely on the security of the network or device used to access it. 

The Importance of Secure Client Portals

Cyber attacks have become more and more common, and they can originate from just about anywhere. Clients need to be able to trust the security of these portals, given the potentially sensitive nature of the information they communicate and the documents they store and share.  A failure to deliver a secure portal could result in a breach that compromises that information, which could damage business relationships beyond repair.  

In this way, prioritizing security with your customer portal helps you earn the trust of your clients, which enhances your brand’s reputation and increases your appeal to other potential customers. 

Strategies for Ensuring a Secure Client Portal 

MSPs can adopt a number of security best practices to ensure the safety of all data placed in their customer portals. Let’s walk through a few examples. 

  • Multi-factor authentication: Authentication using Microsoft 365 or Microsoft Azure AD is one of the preferred and most secure way for MSPs to grant access to their client portal. Other options such as self-service passwords, or passwordless options using one-time-use tokens can also provide peace-of-mind and secure sign in. 
  • Using roles and permissions to limit access: Not every user of the client portal software will need to be able to access every function or resource. Using roles and permissions within the portal helps to maintain strong security and ensure sensitive areas and information are kept strictly on a need-to-access basis. 
  • Encryption: Encryption ensures users connecting to the portal through web browsers are able to access that system securely without the potential data leaks and vulnerabilities that could be exploited by hackers.  
  • Deactivation of inactive users or portals: Accounts for users who no longer work for the company or require access to the portal should be deactivated. (They can always be reactivated if needed.) In addition, portals themselves should be deactivated if they are placed out of commission but kept available to be reactivated if necessary. 
  • Purging old data: Establishing policies for handling old data and files can assist in your efforts to keep your clients protected. For example, you may wish to implement processes to automatically purge files or information placed in certain areas of your portal after a specific amount of time.  

A security-minded approach to client portal software development helps MSPs earn the trust of their clients and improve their brand’s reputation. 

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