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Subscribe to our Release Notes

July 15, 2020

Just a quick post to notify you of our recent email subscription addition.

Our development team writes regular Release notes, you can find them in your Admin Portal under Releases. From now on, rather than having to check regularly that space, you can subscribe to our release note emails and we will send them over to your inbox.

Nice and easy!

If you haven't already, click here to sign up for this newsletter and never miss out on product updates ever again!




That's all for today!

Serena Cappellini

Written by Serena Cappellini

Ticketing System for Small Business: A Complete Guide - DeskDirector
The average small business employee loses three hours every week to IT issues – and that number is ...
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Ticketing System Benefits for Every Department - DeskDirector
Imagine a bustling office where every request, from a minor password reset to a critical system ...
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Comprehensive Overview of IT Ticketing Systems - DeskDirector
We can all admit it: sometimes, keeping up with IT issues can feel like trying to plug leaks in a ...
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