2 min read

Make Sure Just The Right Team Members Gets The Chat

September 8, 2015

Often when you enable clients to chat with your team you want to direct these requests to specific team members. There is exactly where our new feature Chat Queues comes in.

In this One Minute Wednesday we take you through this new feature added to DeskDirector Labs. Other than just choosing where chat requests go by default, you can direct chat based on the company reuqesting it or the board/queue the ticket it on.

What's more ConnectWise StreamlineIT users can now get chat requests, so onsite IT can be included.

Check out the video and head here to learn more about getting this going.


Video transcript:
Hi, and welcome to another One Minute Wednesday, coming from sunny Boston. Today we want to announce a brand new feature that’s appearing in DeskDirector Labs and that’s Chat Queues. With Chat Queues you can direct inbound chat requests to specific team members. You define a default queue, and then you can also set up additional queues which direct inbound requests based on either the company, or the service board or ticket queue that the ticket is one. What’s more, we now allow ConnectWise streamline IT users to be added to queues, so client IT staff can receive chat requests as well. To set up Chat Queues, from the admin console head to Configuration, DeskDirector Labs and select Chat Queues. From here you can edit the default queue as well as adding additional queues that are either company or ticket board or queue specific. The indicator on the left-hand side will show you whether this queue is active or not. Now, once done, remember to return to the DeskDirector Labs screen and then enable the Chat Queues function and hit Save. To be able to use the filter feature, your clients are going to need DeskDirector 15.3, but don’t worry – those with 15.1 or 15.2 will still fallback to using the default queue. Have a fantastic week and we’ll see you next time!

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Topics: Technical
Phill Claxton

Written by Phill Claxton

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