1 min read


August 13, 2014

In this One Minute Wednesday, we take you through one of our favourite features in DeskDirector's Client Console 14.2 and how you can easily add a screenshot to an existing ticket.


Video transcript:
Hi, and welcome to another one-minute Wednesday. In this episode, we’d thought we’d take you through one of our favorite features coming in our 14.2 release, and it’s how you can add a screenshot to an existing ticket. Let’s check it out.

So now in our DeskDirector 14.2 release, when your client’s got an error message on screen, and they’ve got an existing ticket, all they need to do is come over, open their ticket up, hit the upload button, and there’s a new option there to take a screenshot. It’s going to minimize desk director, take a screen shot, and bring desk director back up again. From there they can hit upload, or even add some additional files, and it’s going to upload data to your PSA, ConnectWise, or AutoTask. When that’s complete, it’s going to give them a nice, friendly message showing it’s complete, and it’s going to add a note silently in the background as well to that ticket which you and they can see when they view that ticket inside your PSA.

I hope you agree this is going to be a really useful feature. Don’t forget to check out our previous one-minute Wednesday videos, and have an awesome week. Bye for now. 

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