1 min read

Meet The Winners of our Client Experience Competition | DeskDirector

April 8, 2015

In this One Minute Wednesday we announce the winners of our Client Experience Competition.

All is revealed in the video, so check it out and be sure to have a great week!

The winners are;

Covenant Technology Solutions in Portland, Oregon
Nucleus Networks in Vancouver, Canada


Video trancript:
Hi, and welcome to another one-minute Wednesday. As many of you know, we’ve been running a competition for our North American Partners asking that they write in and share one thing they are doing that makes a real difference to their client experience. Now, today I am going to draw the two people we felt were making the biggest difference there and suggested the two best ideas. The winners are going to get a visit from me in about mid-May where we are going to share ideas around DeskDirector and see how the idea that they have submitted can be maybe incorporated into the future of DeskDirector. So without further ado, here we go.

So the winners are Covenant Technology Solutions in Portland, Oregon and Nucleus Networks in Vancouver, Canada. I can’t wait to pop by and see you guys if you are the lucky winners. Otherwise, the rest of you will be sharing how we get on there with you all in weekly updates. Have a fantastic week as ever, and stay tuned for next week’s update. Have a great week. Bye for now. 

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